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Conversion Coating for Magnesium

Magnesium and its alloys are more galvanically active than even zinc on the galvanic series.  Magnesium will form a strong galvanic cell with every other metal it comes into contact with and is always sacrificial. 


When magnesium corrosion is detected, it requires immediate attention or the corrosion will spread throughout the entire structure.  Therefore, these alloys must be protected from corrosion damage which, under certain conditions, can proceed rapidly, resulting in irreversible damage.

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Activator Type II, Dow 7 Coating
Activator Type II, Dow 7 Coating
See details

Price Each: $162.04
    Activator Type I, Dow 7 Coating
Activator Type I, Dow 7 Coating
See details

Price Each: $98.50
Dow 7 Magnesium Treatment Compound
Dow 7 Magnesium Treatment Compound
See details

Price Each: $237.84
    Magnesium Preparation, Treatment & Coating Kit
Magnesium Preparation, Treatment & Coating Kit
See details

Price Each: $586.35
Magnesium Treatment Kit
Magnesium Treatment Kit
See details

Price Each: $153.95