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Garage & Shop Floor Coatings

What’s The Best Garage Floor Coating?


You could spend weeks, even months researching

the answer to this question—


You could just read our new special report…


When we were planning our new chemical warehouse, we received as many recommendations for concrete floor finishes as the people from whom we asked the question—all with different answers, and most answers in conflict with each other.  It quickly became clear that not everyone knew what they were talking about. 


We Commissioned A Special Report:

As with most parts of our business, we are rather thorough, so naturally it came as no surprise to our associates when we commissioned an engineering firm to research and evaluate every possible coating method for concrete floors.  What started off as a request for a recommendation from an engineering firm quickly evolved into a full-fledged buyer’s guide for concrete floor coatings and coverings.


A Buyer’s Guide For Concrete Floor Coatings:

The result of this study so far is a 96-page report that took a team of three engineers two months to produce—that’s nearly six man-months or 1,000 man-hours of focused research.  They went far beyond a few hours of internet research.  They actually talked to the manufacturers and the installers.  They talked to owners of facilities with each type of coating to see and hear the real story behind how these finishes were holding up.


Read Further to Find Out How To Get Your Free Copy:

We had a primary goal in mind of defining a range of options—the products, methods and services ranging from the ultimate, cost-is-no-object surface at the top end all the way to basic concrete paint at the bottom end.


We wanted to know the answers to the following nagging questions:


  • First, what are the choices?  Nothing is more frustrating than investing a large amount of money in one choice only to find out a week later that there is a better option you didn’t know existed.


  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option?  What might be ideal for a showroom might be useless for a shop in which you are planning to actually work.


  • Are there coatings that can be applied in a matter of hours instead of requiring days?  Many times you just can’t be without your facility for the time necessary to apply a multi-stage coating.


  • What has to be done to raw concrete to get coatings to stick?  We’ve seen some coatings that have held up for over six years and are still going strong, yet other coatings that peeled after six months.


  • Can top quality coatings really be successfully applied by the do-it-yourselfer?


  • What causes some floor coatings to yellow with age?


  • Are there special tiles that can be used that can support cars, trucks or forklifts?


  • Can coatings prevent moisture migration up from under the concrete slab?


  • How good are modular snap-together floor tile systems?


  • Why is there so much confusion surrounding epoxy coatings?  Some say epoxy is the only way to go while others say polyurethane is the way to go.  What’s the truth?


Full Color Photos of Great Garages

To see what each of the coating options would look like in use, we had them pack the report full of great high resolution color photos of some of the most exotic garages, aircraft hangars, and industrial facilities we have ever seen.  This is like a copy of Architectural Digest for guys and their toys.


Avoid Expensive Mistakes

Based on the results contained in the report so far, we can see where we have already avoided several major and potentially expensive mistakes.  We even discovered several facts that were a real surprise to us and totally unexpected. 


Here’s Where You Come In:

We want to offer you a free copy of this special report when it is finished.  In exchange, we want to make sure that we are answering the right questions that you have about concrete flooring and coating selection.


One of the main things that became clear during the study is that there is no one finish or coating system that is ideal for every application.  We want to make sure that we have covered all the possible applications that you most want to know about.


Give Us Feedback:

Simply go to our “Technical Support” tab and tell us if the key questions we have already described are relevant.  Tell us what you would most like to see in the report, or what nagging question you would most like answered. 


You don’t have to spend a lot of time.  Just a few quick bullets will suffice.


Submit your response and we will send you a free copy of the report when it is completed (within the next 3-4 weeks).



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Granite-Look Epoxy/Polyurethane Floor Coating
Granite-Look Epoxy/Polyurethane Floor Coating
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