Detailed Product Description:
A colorless, dense, oily liquid with a pungent odor. Noncombustible.
Soluble in water. Very reactive. Mixing with water generates exothermic
reaction that cause significant temperature rise in solution. Corrosive
to most metals. Most commonly used for electrolytes and metal cleaning.
This is a custom dilution to 15% concentration from our semiconductor
grade, high purity product.
Download the Material Safety Data Sheet for this material and understand
the dangers and precautions listed before using this substance
Strong irritant to eyes and skin. Toxic by inhalation and ingestion.
Use caution in mixing with water due to significant exothermic reaction
that can cause boiling and/or explosive spattering. Always add acid to
water and not the reverse.
MSDS: Click here to download copy of Material Safety Data Sheet
Comes packed in 250ml amber glass bottle. Also available in 500ml size.